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I did not know why I have watched a series called 'Arrow'.Maybe for some change, for some fresh air. Now I do regret this for choosing 'Arrow'.It's the worst one. If you want to spend some quality time, watch something else that I have reviewed below.

The 'Arrow' started off great from season one, onto season two with meaningful flashbacks, great villains, good pacing, fitting dark tone, then it began to slow down with nonsense storyline. One major critic of the show will be how often the writers attempted to put too many love sequences in a superhero show(come on, this is not sex and the city), another will be the story doesn't follow up with the Green Arrow comics. Fans would love to see, If the show sticks to its action first and love story later, it will be more consistent and this will keep the show alive for a longer number of seasons. The best part of this show is that it provides its viewers with crossover episodes and team-ups with other superheroes such as the Flash. These crossover episodes provide more action and deliver a comic book genre type of team up for fans to enjoy. The show lost its spark after season three. Now it has only horrible meaningless flashbacks, worse acting, terrible villains, unfitting lighter tone, illogical storylines with many plot holes. It's more like a soap opera than a superhero/crime drama TV show.Felicity(sleeps with all the Billionaires and take their fortune and keeps them under her payroll) and Diggle are annoying now. It feels like Greg Berlanti lost his focus from the show. The main character reveals himself all the time. He wears a costume to hide his identity, yet everyone and their brother now know his secret. So what is the point of wearing a costume to hide! Oliver always seems to feel the need to have sex with every woman he encounters. The dead always come back in the series. Every villain they come across somehow related to the island Oliver was stranded in for five years. They consistently maintained those stupidities.I think they are out of ideas.

Season 1 - Awesome.

Season 2 - OK.

Season 3 - What is happening.

Season 4 - Killed the show.

Season 5 - Stopped watching, gave up, can't watch anymore.

Recommendation: Not Recommended.


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