Finally, Punisher has done right! After so many fails from other film companies, Netflix decides to go all out and nailed it. They almost pull him right out of the comic which could not have been easy, from the deep yells as he unloads his guns on the bad guys to the twitch of a man who is now disturbed but slightly keeping it together to the tie in of the Punishers mane nemesis. This show is one of the best Netflix Marvel shows hands down. All of the main characters are great! It's an awesome superhero show, that isn't really a superhero show. Some might say that it's wrong to call The Punisher, Daredevil, etc "superhero" shows. But as the late, great Stan Lee said: "That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is true without a doubt, a real superhero." They don't need to be "super" to be heroes. As usual, Frank Castle doesn't have any special abilities, he's...
People traditionally associate Japanese animes with the likes of Pokemon and Dragonball Z where all that happens are flashy fights. So, it is often very difficult to convince non-anime fans that there's more to them. Monster is not typical anime, it is not even a series or a video, it is an experience I have gone through watching this piece of brilliance called Monster. It is a masterpiece. The show started and the art was realistic for an anime, something I hadn't quite experienced before. The opening theme song wasn't an annoying pop song that grated on my ears and made me snicker. The characters were real. The background music always fit the scenes and was never overbearing. The language spoken was honest and like something I could hear on the street. Germany looked like Germany and not some twisted version of Japan. The story was compelling. You can truly connect with every character. You'll see a person on screen for, at most, five minutes, but they'll ha...